sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016

End of the 4S/EASST brief report, learnings and experiences

Today has finished the International STS Congress, organized by the 4S and the EASST associations. It has been four intense days where we were able to learn a lot of things of several topics around Science and Technology Studies: from LGTB to Communication; from Security to Big Data; from Epidemics to Urbanism; and much more. 

In this post, from POBICS we want to offer some of our most interesting things we have learnt along these amazing days:

- The Mentorship Program was an incredible idea. It was an such interesting idea to meet young professors and PhD students in the Congress. In our case, our student Enrique Baleriola was matched with the professor Joao Rangel. Enrique could learn a lot of things about post-doc opportunities, scientific production, and of course our topic: pandemics and biosurveillance.

- The Congress organizatios was perfect. From meals to Keynote Plenaries; passing by registration or times for communications. We have to think that it was a big congress (about 2000 persons), so any particular delay was no importance.

-We think our track was very interesting. And we say that not for being managed by us, but for the communications carried out by the participants, particularlly the "non POBICS" members. They help to make from our track a wide-view session where we could learn a lot and also make new contacts in order to write papers, exchange ideas, etc.

- We loved Isabelle Stengers Plenary! Although we were expecting another kind of event (perhaps a more classical "masterly class"), we have to recognize that for a "by other means" congress the employed format was better. It consisted in a three-first-speakers that summarize the subplanaries of the previous day, giving us their point of view, launching some questions, and making us reflect about some "by other means" topics. Finally, Stengers made a speech giving her point of view about the previous speakers summaries and making us wring our minds about the contemporary status of Academia. 

Undoubtely, we are so happy to being participate in the 4S/EASST Congress. We hope we can sign in in the next years. Thanks to all people to their participation!

Photo Credit: Elentir

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

New paper sent: Biopolitics, biosurveillance and bios

This week we have been reviewing and finishin a new paper that we will send along this years to
"Convergencia, Revista de Ciencias Sociales" journal.  A Mexican and bilingual Spanish-English Journal. In this post, we want to offer some points about this paper. We hope it will be accepted and published soon!



Currently, biopolitics conception is widely spread and accepted in the Social Sciences since Michel Foucault popularize it in the 70’s in their lessons at the Collège de France. Basing us on our study case about epidemics and biosurveillance that we are carrying out for three years with several documental materials, interviews and focus groups; we point out that biopolitics is an outdated concept for the events of the beginning of the 21st Century and we put forward syndromic observation as a new control dispositif not for control, but monitorization; and where citizenship, before surveilled; plays an active and surveilling role. Finally, we offer the main axes that describe syndromic observation.

Material employed:

1) European Council Directives

2) Infographics and diagrams realated with epidemics and biosurveillance.

3) CDC and WHO documents.

4) Newspapers news.

Some key references (in Spanish):

Deleuze, Gilles, (2014), El Poder. Curso Sobre Foucault II, Buenos Aires: Cactus.

Fearnley, Lyle. (2008), “Signals come and Go: Syndromic Surveillance and Styles of Biosecurity” en Environment and Planning A, núm. 40, 1615-1632.

Foucault, Michel, (2007), El Nacimiento de la Biopolítica, Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Foucault, Michel, (2003), Hay que Defender la Sociedad, Madrid: Akal.

Photo Credit: Hong Cham Bum

lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

End of the 2015-2016 course. Some key points and events

Last week we held our last POBICS meeting on this 2015-2016. It has been an interesting course, where we have learnt and also carry out a lot of events and things. In order to close down this course, we want to point off some of the main events we have participated this year.

  • Writing. We have written several papers, some of them have been published (Biocapitalism and norm suspension, Fear in refugees by a possible outbreak of scabies), other are in reviewing (citizenship and epidemic surveillance, from biopower to kinepower); others are about to be send (ebola and images, new kind of biopolitics in the epidemics realm, syndromic observation) and others have been rejected (epidemiological factor, scenarios as states of emergency). About the last ones, we are reviewing them and we want to re-sent to other journals this fall.
  • Congress. We have participated in the ESHHS-CHEIRON congress with a communication about the epidemiological factor (extracted from the rejected paper), and next month, as you know, we will be in the 4S/EASST Congress. Finally, the first days of September we will be in the II International AIBR Anthropology Congress.
  • Seminaries. We have went to some of the UAB seminaries, organized by the Social Psychology Deparment, like the Jorge-Castillo Seminary and the Andrés G. Seguel Seminary.
  • POBICS web. As we announced, POBICS has a new domain for his web: www.pobics.com
  • Topics researched. Epidemics and State of Emergency; Ebola and Images, Big Data in Epidemics; Virtual Platforms to report about epidemics our communicable diseases by lay-people; new kinds of biosurveillance; historical approachs to epidemics; drones and health; fear and panic within epidemics.
  • Grants & projects. We have continued with our FPI project, achieved last year. On the other hand, our second application to the FPU grant has been rejected :(

And that is all! We will post again next month at the 4S/EASST Congress. Until then, we will re-posting old post in our social networks.

Have a good summer and see you soon!

Thanks for reading us every week.

Photo Credit: Bousure

martes, 12 de julio de 2016

Scenarios and epidemics. Our last seminary

Yesterday we held the first July seminary, one of the latest seminaries of this course. In this time, we
analysed some scenarios gathered from the CDC & ECDC websites, the WHO webpage, and also from the media like The Daily Telegraph or BBC (you can see one of them below). 

Here some notes about this meeting:

-In scenarios, we found a kairos time, a single event.
-Video "life after Armageddon" is a structure in which we can see how "good people" are going to survive after a period of chaos, disorder ...
-Scenarios are stories where it is built and conveys a particular kind of narrative.
-Textual scenarios are outdated, they can not reach everyone. Video-scenarios can, and we could see how these are this scenarios-as-spectacles.
-The logic of the scenarios is a logic of exceptionality, creating zones of indistinction to answer questions about themselves.
-Can the scenario itself be an operator speed?

3 common elements to all scenarios: Picture, speed, future.

Photo Credit: David Dehetre

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016

ESHHS - CHEIRON Congress, our report about the "Epidemiological Factor"

Some days ago, we went to the ESHHS - CHEIRON congress that is being celebrating in the Psychology Faculty at our university (the Autonomous University of Barcelona) and we have exposed a communication about the role and the features of the biosurveillance at the second half of the 20th Century. That is what we called "The Epidemiological Factor". 

In this post, we want to offer you our speech as well as our slides if you are interested in the kind of topics we are working (and also we are so interested in hear you and talk with you!).

And this was the speech:

(slide 0): Hello everyone,

I’m Enrique Baleriola, a PhD Student from the Social Psychology Department at Autonomous University of Barcelona, and I will present our communication titled: The epidemiological factor: An analysis of the link between medicine and politics in the second half of the XX century.

The presentation is a product of my Research group POBICS, headed by Francisco Tirado, in which we are researching epidemics from a Social Studies of Science and Technology (STS) and Actor-Network Theory perspective. The central task of this theory is it to understand Science, Technology and Society as a seamless web: we cannot study the world as separate units but need to understand them in relation to the other ones.

In the present slides, we will offer a short view on a work-in-progress in which we look at the shift or change of biosurveillance at the second half of the Twentieth Century

What are we calling by biosurveillance?

(slide 1): We understand biosurveillance as a form of preparation, control, and/or containment exercise with respect to society and life within such society in order to avoid a or prepare for a present or future (bio)threat.

In this sense we will consider biosurveillance as a form of politics as the care for and intervention in present and future society must be understood not as neutral but as political intervention that is much more than only public-health issue.

(slide 2):  Therefore we see biosurveillance as an issue in which Science, Politics and everyday social life overlap.

(slide 3): Biosurveillance understood in this form could be defined best as a social-technical network where we find complex relationships between a lot of different actors like scientists, physicians, politicians… and not only people but also ideas, theories, objects like labs, documents, laws, fundings, power relations, etc.
Basing our research strongly on ANT and Latour’s works it is this complex network¡ what we are studying and analysing.

(slide 4): The concept of biosurveillance goes back to two authors that give us already a feeling with respect to the historical changes that biosurveillance underwent:
Partially the concept of biosurveillance goes back to the observation practices in dispositives of the discipline such as Michel Foucault’s Clinic. It is also strongly related to the popular concept of Biopolitics, developed in Foucault’s works on the Birth of Biopolitcs and used in slightly different forms by Giorgio Agamben, Toni Negri, Roberto Espósito, Nikolas Rose…

According to these authors we have to search for the basis of biosurveillance in the 19th century as an important part of a governance through biopolitics. The strong and steady growth of the European cities during the Industrial Revolution and the birth of capitalism made new governance techniques necessary, and created new risks for the population in terms of health. As a consequence, medicine needed to shift and widen their actions to the general population (and not only those ones isolated in a close institution) with the aim of control population (birth and death ratio, number of children, disciplining bodies in factories…) in the background of the classical conception of biopolitics: from make die let live to make live let die (the popular quotation by Michel Foucault).

How did it happen? Disposittifs involved and explanations are countless, but only for mention someones: statistics or public hygiene programs.

(slide 5): In the 70s however society had undergone again some important changes, the end of World War II, the beginning of Cold War and the nuclear program, first computers and Internet-technology… in an ever-more connected world.

(slide 6): This is thet moment in which statistics begins to lose their key-role in contrast to new forms of preparation, control and containment. Threats and risks are everywhere and the growing connectedness and interdependence of the world makes preparation a crucial if not existential form of governance. In a global society in which the reaction to a risk must be quicker and more effective than ever, preparedness must further move towards the future, and must intervene stronger in the present.

Statistics becomes obsolete as a biosurveillance tool because now, threat are conceptualized as an any-place and any-moment threat, so we need to be prepared for before it occurs or happens. This is the motto of the preparedness-logic-of-the new biosurveillance based governance.

(slide 7): As a consequence preparedness must be created with new dispositives, dispositives that allow to intervene quicker, and more immediate.

A statistics based form of governance against threats, is  replaced by a governance scenarios. What is a scenario? Briefly, is a tale, a fictional narration given by experts in epidemics that bring them and all of us a knowledge that can be used in order to prevent an epidemic in Europe.

Scenarios are important because we think they are related with the state of emergency concept coined by Giorgio Agamben in his Homo Sacer. Because they create a grey zone: in which past, present and future disappears and because they do not differentiate between different actors and fields of knowledge; from politics to (bio)science; from the micro and the global scale, all dimensions merge somehow in a scenario.
We will show one video from an ebola-scenario in the UK at the final of our presentation.
(slide 8): To finish, we want to offer some implications of this biosurveillance currently:

First, the concept of Syndromic Surveillance, analysed by Leyla Fearnley. This concept refers to the use of Big Data intelligence to find the statistical aberration, that is, the pattern that doesn’t fit in the “normal”: a major number of searches in Google about influenza in January, for instance.
Second, the idea of scenarios as state-of-emergency that I said before. Only add that now, we are applying it to epidemic-images like outbreak-maps or ebola-images.

Third, Syndromic Observation as a new conceptualization of biosurveillance, where life, bios, becomes its own sentinel. It is not that people are controlled and watched by a panopticon (Foucault), but, for instance, that with my smartphone I can report to the Center for Dieseases and Control (CDC) in real time the evolution of my cough and fever; and also if my mother suddenly has the same symptoms like me. It can be extrapolated to ebola, hepatitis, zika virus, etc. Or also, that I can anticipate the number of deaths by malaria at the basis of the number of mosquitoes that this year survived to El Niño phenomenon.

Life watches life. Power changes from a statistical-panoptical form, to a vigilant power of not only myself (homo oeconomicus from Michel Foucault) in which common people are needed as a source of information and as active actors in order to make biosurveillance possible.

(slide 9): Finally, here is the mentioned scenario of ebola in the UK.

(slide 10): Biosurveillance shows us that science and politics are part of a seamless web between, that has changed in time and that needs to adapt in its form in order to make a preparation for those threats that will come possible.

Photo Credit: 

jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

The 4S-EASST Congress is coming!

Today in POBICS, we have perfomed a rehearsal about the 4S-EASST Congress (remember: next
August 31th - September 3rd). The main part of the congress will be held in the CCIB of Barcelona (Port of Maresme, you have the original webpage here). 

In this work, our role was act as if we have performing a real communication, in order to test the sound and if there was some problems between the voices of one table and the voice of the other one (in this big room fits four tables, that is around 100 persons in four tables listening and talking at the same time).

We have seize this opportunity in order to test our next communication to the ESHHS-CHEIRON Congress (last June 30th), we will post the report soon, but it was a very interesting congress and especially, the rest of communications in or round-table (about health, bios and medicine). You cannot lose it!

By the way, we want to announce that our webpage has a new design! We hope you like it and for that, we invite you to watch it: www.pobics.com. You can read our blog there directly, and also know more about future events and come if you want.  

Photo Credit: Alan Light

lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Closing spring & Summer events in POBICS

We are about to end June, and POBICS have some news and upcoming events, so we think is
interesting to show and post them. Here our state of affairs:

  • This morning we have held the "panel" anual meeting: our PhD students Mariana, Pedro and Enrique have been assessed by two chairs professors. They have fold our current research topics and professors have exposed some suggestions and improvements. The main concept has been the "focus" on the particular question or objective for each one: digital epidemics, drones and the role of lay-people in biosurveillance. 

  • Tomorrow we have an "essay" in the ICCB  within the tests that 4S/EASST Congress coordinators are perfomed. We will seize this chance in order to prepare our next Congress, the ESHHS-CHEIRON Joint Meeting, next Thurday. 

  • In this vein, ESHHS-CHEIRON Joint Meeting is being held from 06/27 (today) to 07/01, so if you are interesting in any kind of History of Science topics, you could go to the Psychology Faculty at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

  • Next mont of July we will close some still-open works like slides to our 4 contributions to the 4S/EASST Congress, our drafts in Biosurveilling Citizenships, Drones & Epidemics and Images as State of Emergency.

  • POBICS has a new domain! From now, our webpage is pobics.com and not more pobics.wix.com/pobics. In this form, we think our work will be easier to find and our SEO will improve.

Photo Credit: Rob Leeming

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

Some notes about Epidemics, Future and Time

How is the global time? does it exists? It would be defined in those papers.

The global time is not an ubiquitous, univerisal, or almighty time, but a time of greater scale than the individual level, beyond the scale of you and me. It is a terrestrial time, mediated and supported by technologies that "track" both epidemics and other factors like earthquakes, climate change, etc.

What relationship would have to aión time, kairos and chronos in the Deleuze theory??

Global Time is a time linked to action; it is a global time, which is intended to represent (provide maps and graphics). It is a time we try to capture with the eye, a time trapped because the space set its limits (in a display, the limit of what you can see).

It is a time turned image, that allows us to see all the same, it homogenizes. It is a translation ANT terms.

What interest does analyze / study scenarios in this kind of image-of-future-time?

Time and the future are elements that are always on scenarios. In the new scenarios based on epidemics, visuality is very important.

Dichotomy Strategy-tactic: we could ask to search within scenarios a third way between these two, or between planification and chaos ... it could be area of indistinction given by Agamben.

Scenarios are a spectacle. And the more spectacular, the better they are. And a very important element within this spectacle is the image. The image is equated with spectacle, not scenario. If you see a work where everything looks well-defined, you have a representation, a categorization. The fact that everything is mixed and is a mess, is what makes it a chaos.

We must not equip scenario to spectacle, but there are moments of indistinction where all scales merge and create time-spectacle moments mediated by images.

Photo Credit: Surian Soosay

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

Society of the Spectacle report: our last POBICS seminary

Yesterday in POBICS, we held a new meeting and, among other topics, we discussed one of the best
known books written by Guy Debord: The Society of Spectacle. Here the report, where we tried to answer two main questions: 1) What is a spectacle? and 2) What are images, and what are the role of images in the Debord's sense?

Spectacle is a reversal (the other side) of life, spectacle is a shift where life goes to the re-presentation (in the Simulacrum's sense given by Baudrillard)

Spectacles are dispositiffs, whilst spectacle is power. The second one is not visible but the first ones it does. 

Spectacle is the opposite of dialogue, that is, in spectacle there is not text, neither words or a discursive situation. Instead, spectacle is the inheritor of the weakness of the whole Western philosophical projects, and so, it is an understanding of the activity dominated by the categories of vision.

The spectacle is the conclusion of the everyday reality of the image. The image has nothing to do with our everyday reality, but it (the images that appelas to itself) becomes our reality. It is the maximum output of the spectacle. The spectacle is an image that is the experience itself, an image that refers to itself. And we thinkg that mage epidemics operate in the same way.

Spectacle then, is chiasmus, the separation between art and life. But what separates, is it art or image?

In any case, what is the image? Knowledge, a fragment of it which has lost all reference and is self-referential. Furthermore, it goes in one direction: the eyes (although it can be completed with other sense like ear. The image is more than the world and impose themselves as the only reality. The concept of image given by Debord may have to do with the etymological meaning (portrait, copy, imagination), and therefore does not have to be only visual (eg, a "mental" imaginary or invidividual which is also self-referential and superficial, the sense that if you escavas find the same, nothing else).

Image = knowledge, epistemic cut, which comes to us through one-way (eyes). It is a piece of knowledge, not an image as something that is visual: it is a knowledge that comes to us through the eyes. Baudrillard idea of simulacrum is very similar.

Spectacle as "Trompe l'oeil" (trampantojo in Spanish) = as a simulacrum, in urban planning, capitalism, imaginary ... The spectacle is the moment when the goods have arrived to the total occupation of social life. Not only the relationship the merchandise is not visible but she is the unique we can look: the world you see is its world

Relationship between images as a state of emergency and images - show.

The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images. For instance, romantic love in movies, (how a girl sees her boyfriend for instance), is mediated by the set of images of the Twilight movies, sexism Love Hollywood, etc ... and then, real girls in their daily life applied this romantic-hollywodean images to the relation with her boyfriends. Then, romantic-hollywodean images (a more than the lay meaning of images) mediate in the relation between couples.

The starting point for spectacle is not me, is the "bounce", thanks to a formal structure comes to me.

Spectacle are looking for our alienation. The society of spectacle corresponds to a concrete manufacture of alienation.  Image as spectacular uniqueness.

Espectuacular means "means to see, to witness", that is, mediation by sight, or sight.

What is spectacular time, in relation to time-event (Aion) and linear time (kronos)? It may be a time to start the expropriation of time (sentence #159: "To bring workers to the status of producers and "Free" time-goods, consumer preliminary condition It was the violent expropriation of their time. Return spectacular time has not become possible only from This first stripping producer. "). It would be kairós FREECODE, a bubble or invagination in which an event occurs.

Photo Credit: gwynydd michael

martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Alternative actors, Epidemics and Digital Data

Today in POBICS, we have held one of our last meetings in this course. We have reviewing and
commenting papers, drafts or ideas from each of us, lately. In this time, we have commented some ideas about our colleague Mariana Gavris, an expert researcher in the field of big data and digital epidemics. There are the main topics about this meeting and in this post, we want to offer some ideas about it. 

Here you have it:

One important task we want to make is to analyse the relationship between on the one hand, Big Data, Hacking Data, Internet; and on the other hand epidemic and biosurveillance. Yes, we know this is not new at all, because of this we want to offer an STS view using both the alternative actors and intelligent scenarios concepts.

About the first one, alternative actors, it was understood firstly as hackers and this kind of people that carries out digital activities "by other means". But then, we understood that alternative actor are not only people but those materialities (people, devices, technologies...) which can make or create clinamen (in the Serres sense) or a vanishing point (in the deleuzian vocabulary). That is, and event that suddenly happens and it was not planned. 

Thus, related to epidemics, alternative actors can be understood as mediators which "open" new futures, new possibilities (i.e. forecasting an epidemics at the basis on the last "El Niño" phenomenon; or at the basis of the number of passengers between two big cities around the world). In this sense, we want to link it with the modes-of-existence concept given by Bruno Latour in his last book: How can be created new modes of existence from alternative actors? or maybe: are alternative actors created from different kind of modes of existence? What are the modes of existence performed by the mediations enacted by this alternative actors?

About the second one, intelligent scenarios, is a concept that brings from two places: the first one, the smart cities imaginary; and the second one, from our concept of scenario. In this vein, we want to create a concept wich gathers this state of emergency where medical and legal knowledge, history and time, experts and lay people are mixed; and the digital use of big data and the smart city technology. 

The sense of this is understand and analyse the actors involved in this new digital epidemics, and also deepen on the implications about this new dispossitiff in terms of biopolitics, biosurveillance and control of the bios.

Photo Credit: KamiPhuc

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

Michel Serres: brief report about his conference on 01/06/2016 at the Institute Français de Barcelone

Yesterday, some POBICS members and other colleagues went to the Michel Serres conference held at
 the Institute Français de Barcelone. As you will know, Michel Serres is a very important philosopher in the 20-21th with several book published, for instance, the two we read this course: "Atlas" and "The Natural Contract"

In this ocassion, the old French sailor talked about knowledge and information and the main shifts this apparatus have endured along the humankind existence; as well as about one of his most known books: "Le Petit Pucet" among other topics like academia&university, language, or computers

Here we left our report:

Information and Knowledge:

Information is not the same that knowledge. Knowledge carries a cognizance, but currently, informationis related with the access to Internet in any kind of devices.

Along the existence of the humankind, we have (at least) three kind of knowledge within three diferents revolutions: a) Oral form, supported on memories; writing, supported on books (and some time ago in prints and faster spread of information); and c) Computers supported on Internet. 

In the third moment, phisical money, paper... enter into crisis. This third revolution is not a "tough" revolution, but a "soft". Why? because for Serres, computers have no invented anything: we read books in computers like they were physical books. Personal computers have memory, images, resolve problems... as we did with other devices (books, sheets, abacus...). Some years ago, memory, imagination and reason were within us; nowadays they are outside.

What are the difference between computers and us, then? For Serres, the answer is innovation, the "vanishing point" from Deleuze. He explained it with an history: Christopher Columbus was not looking for America, but for India in order to make bussiness. But what happened? He came across with America. Invention happens when you are looking for a particular thing and you find other different. 

Academia & University:

Academia is also in crisis, and this is due to the ever-faster aknowledgment of new words in the Academy of Letters (30000 in the last years; 3000 in the gap of the years in the 70-80's).

In jobs the speed is just the opposite: we use ever less words to define rural and farming jobs. 

Related to university, with Internet and smartphones knowledge are entangled and mixed: subjects are fused and emerge new kinds of them. Nowadays, a teacher give about a 15% of his knowledge. At the beginning of the 20th Century it was about a 80%.

Politics and Languaje. Le Petit Poucet:

In french, "maintenant" meand literally "in the hand". And this definition is currently more true than ever. We have information and knowledge "maintenant". The classical meaning of this word is "in the front of something". Alexander the Great of Napoleon Bonaparte never could say the have the world on their hands, and now, of persons in the Earth can say it. As Serres said, we have "maintenant" stadistics, forecasts, global datas... and for that, is possible someone of us wants to conquer the world as this emperors pretended.

Photo Credit: ebaes

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

New POBICS Seminary: Guy Debord and Society of the Spectacle

Our next and last seminary for this year will be about the most popular theory of Guy Debord: The Society of Spectacle.

We will close our cycle of seminaries with this lecture because we think it could be an important contribution for our recent image analysis. In this sense, we could compare and counterpouse our classical authors used to analyse images (Deleuze, Gillian Rose...) with an author with another interesting and important theory related with images and society in general.

For everyone who don't know Debord's work, we will post the report about our seminary when we hold it. But meanwhile, you can read a little bio about him and his book, extracted from Wikipedia:

"Debord traces the development of a modern society in which authentic social life has been replaced with its representation: "All that once was directly lived has become mere representation." Debord argues that the history of social life can be understood as "the decline of being into having, and having into merely appearing." This condition, according to Debord, is the "historical moment at which the commodity completes its colonization of social life."

The spectacle is the inverted image of society in which relations between commodities have supplanted relations between people, in which "passive identification with the spectacle supplants genuine activity". "The spectacle is not a collection of images," Debord writes, "rather, it is a social relationship between people that is mediated by images."

The seminary will be hold on June 15th at 12:00 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), in the Social Psychology Department (Martín Baró's room). The entrance es free and open for everyone. 

Photo Credit: Randy Lemoine

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

New papers and topics by POBICS

Hi everyone again!

POBICS is coming back and in this ocassion we want to offer you a little panorama about our current works. We are working on several papers and (related) topics indeed, so we think is a good moment in order to talk about it and show them. There we go:

Fear and panic: we are working in a paper (one that was born from one of our proposal to the 4S/EASST congress). In this paper, we will expose why fear and panic are important in the risk management carried out by governments, institutions and agencies related to biorisk and biosurveillance. We will also describe how panic mediates between governance and liberty; and what is the role of lay-people (citizens aliened to biomedical expert knowledge) in that triade panic-liberty-governance.

Ebola and images: Although we have posted about it recently, we want to remember it because we think is an important topic given the even more importance of images in our daily life, as well as in social research. We bet for a work where the last ebola outbreak in 2014 would be linked to the images produced in that momento by newspapers, Internet, experts, governments, etc. The sense beyond this work is to describe what king of knowledge are being constructed around ebola, and what particular role would had this kind of images.

Drones and epidemics: We are also interesting in analyse how drone's new technology can be linked with epidemics in terms of surveillance and outbreak's detection. This is the topic we have less clear currently, but we are gathering several documents and other material in order to analyse it and open a new path with the implications and possible uses of drones in an epidemics situation or scenario.

Photo Credit: See-ming Lee

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

POBICS has reached 100 post!

With the last post we published last week, POBICS has reached our hundredth post. This number arrives after one year and a half, time enough to post several joys and sorrows, posts of all kinds: from seminaries to achievings like our current project; from our published papers to reports about our readings; from works in progress to thoughts and discussions.

In this chance, we only want to acknowledge to all of our readers, suscriptors, buddies and all researchers your contributions along this first 100 posts. 

Now that the present course is about to end, we will continue posting our seminaries (open and free to you!), papers and all kind of interesting news for you (next 4S/EASST congress will be an important chance!). We wait for you in our webpage (http://pobics.wix.com/pobics) and also in our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pobi21/?ref=ts&fref=ts.

Photo Credit: g4II4is

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Course addressed to young (pre)researchers: Introduction to research

At the end of this course (final days of May/ beginning of June), Enrique, one POBICS member will carry out a talk addressed to young researcher and students of postgraduate courses in order to exchange opinions, doubts and clear some issues related to the research world. 

This talk will take place at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, on the Psychology Faculty. The room and time will be announced when it would be scheduled (we recommend subscribing to his blog here).

This talk is free but it has limited capacity, so is important to book your seat contacting with him (in the last link or via email: contacto@ebaes.es). Furthermore, the talk will be in Spanish. If you have some important question to discuss or resolve in the talk, please send it in the book email.

INDEX (it could be modified or include last hour topics):

1) What is research? And a PhD Program?

2) Who to start to research?

3) Useful and practical tools: From Writing to Online Collaborative Tasks.

4) Helpful resources (Zotero, Web of Science, Google milieu, etc.)

5) Grants and scholarships in Spain.

6) Social Media on Academic Research

7) Two applied cases: POBICS and ebaes

This is all for now. If you are very interesting in any other topic related with research, please tell us and we will include in the talk. We wait your assistance. If you know someone interested in this talk, please share this post!

Photo Credit: Jim Surkamp

martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

Meeting of the European Society for the History of Human Sciences with POBICS

The Meeting about History of Science is about to be held! As we posted some weeks ago, POBICS
sent a paper and it was accepted. We do not want to reveal all the details about our contributions, but we thought it could be interesting to post the prezi we will use.

1) Presentation: The epidemiological factor:
 An analysis of the link between medicine and politics in the second half of the XX century.

2) Epidemiology. -More than a public-health discipline/concern. Science - Politics. 1. Complex relationships   2.  Social-technical network

3) Background. 18th-19th Centuries. -The birth of:

1. Clinic - 2. Modern nation-states

-Population & State tensions.

-New patient fields (Foucault, 1974).

-Aim: population control and (bio)surveillance.

-How? Statistics, public hygiene.

4) 40's-50's. 

-Great legal, political, economic, social and legal change in medicine.

-Statistics on (potential)risk assessment, insurances...

-An even more connected-world.

5) About biosecurity...

-From a concrete surveillance to a permanent and continuous surveillance.

-The potential (bio)risk is omnipresent. It could be anywhere, in any moment (in a global scale).

-Thus, statistics become obsolete as a surveillance and control tool.

6) So, what's new?

-Preparedess and the creation of (imagined and future) scenarios.

-Origin: Cold-War. Langmuir: "the aim of surveillance is not individuals, but the disease itself".

-An each more normalized state of emergency.

-The scale is re-framed: Global Health to understand the molecular one.

7) Implications

-Syndromic Surveillance (Fearnley, 2005; 2008).

-Scenarios as states of emergency (Maureira, Tirado, Baleriola, Torrejón, 2015; 2016).

-Syndromic observation (Baleriola, Tirado, Maureira, Torrejón, 2016).

8)  Scenarios as state of emergency in the ebola outbreak

Remember: POBICS will expose this Prezi (and his communication) on June 30th at 9:30 in the CEHIC place at the UAB!

More info clicking here.

Photo Credit: __andrew

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Our last seminary: Heidegger and the Question Concerning Technology (and others)

Yesterday we held the seminary we announced about Martin Heidegger. It is possible it would be one
of the last readings we make this course because we have to focus on our papers and congress (next post will be about some very good news we have about it!). 

By the way, the last read we will make is about Giorgio Agamben (we will post it soon). 

For this session, we read "The Question Concerning Technology", "Science and Meditation" and "The thing". Here the seminary about Heidegger with the most interesting comments:

Heidegger introduces the difference between the ontic and the ontological (being): between the object and its essence. The true essence of each object is different from the object itself.

Essence of technology -> to become the world existences: What makes the technique is to convert everything that exists in the world in existences. Existences in Spanish means the existence of something, but also the amount of one thing we have stored (stock).

What is relevant is whether, originally, the title was "the question of technique" or "the question after the technique." (In English is the Question Concerning Technology, but in Spanish is more complex to understand this preposition).

At the end of the text, the technique can be a hazard if it becomes all in existences (including ourselves and if we don't make anymore questions), but we can also save us. The questions are necessary because if we fall into the trap that we can control the world and we know everything, we are abandoning our possibility of freedom, and freedom is the existential condition of life itself. Freedom is achieved precisely asking the questions because them give us the possibility to question how things are.

Freedom is the right question for the unveiling. We are free when we asked for the essence of things, not its ontological being. The thingness of the thing is co-link, to join (the pitcher joins the cuaternity itself, as connections heaven and earth, technical and object, etc).

The thingness of the thing is coligar, join (the jar joins the cuaternidad itself, as connections between heaven and earth, technics and object, etc). Interest in the concept of obstancy. This way of being present for the Romans is called obstancy.

About the sentence "The essence of science is that it is the theory of the real" (p. 34):

-Science: Contemporary Science, embedded from poetry and classical Greek art.

-Real: in Greece: The real fills the region of the effective, that which works. Work means doing (by man or nature), but also bring (a presence) and pro-duce. Reality therefore is what brings-there-front (dassein); the reality, that brought-there-before, in un-hidden and remains unconcealed. Later in Rome, the real becomes result (that is, that which precedes a cause that caused this result is reality) that follows from an act: real is what has been achieved (p. 36). It this way, the real is true, sure, what we take for granted; apparently as mere opposition or mere opinion (but still present in some different way than in Greece. This way of being present for the Romans call obstancia).

-Theory: in Greece, to watch the aspect under which the present appears. Through this vision, to stay fit him watching (p. 37), is the respectful attention to the state of unconcealment of the present, the "the look that selther the truth ". In Modernity: It comes from Rome with contemplatio: separate, divide. The theory is an elaboration of the real; but also prevail however what the presence (as theory Science, provokes the real itself in view of its obstancia). It is a represent that makes sure everything real in your prosecutable obstancy (represent = to keep this in any particular way and no other). Therefore, modern science as a theory of reality, it is not obvious.

Gestell in Heidegger structure site, but now is translated as disposition, the same translation of "agencement" in Deleuze. In Bourdieu so does the habit, which is also a translation available. It is what makes the bring-there-before (brought from far away).

The essence is not infinite, is the en-durance (the recurring endure), which remains when we reveal the essence. Each essence reveals something of the hidden. For example, today, what reveals a PC or a Mac? Heidegger focuses on objects that have a very long duration in history (a pitcher, art ...) but not in recent-creation objects.

In Heidegger, we are caught in classical ontology, he tries to break it but he still stayy within it because his question is the classic question of being. However, in other philosophers focus on the becoming or the difference left the classical ontology. In Heidegger, there is always an essence that remains (in the first computer, in a normallaptop and in a brand-new mac. The Rhine river does not change by putting a dam or a mill. Deleuze says that what we call essence is changing, the eternal return never brings to the same (in the line of Heraclitus). The Rhine river changes by putting a dam or a mill.

Photo Credit: Alex Brown

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Grants time!

Spring is (almost in Spain) the data where grants, funds and other kind of funding are opened by severals both public and private institutions. In this sense, POBICS are applying to some of this grants and we want to show what are them in order to you could apply when the call would open:

-FPU 2015: This grant is a predoctoral grant and is addressed to young researchers (not groups). It has two phases: one with your average score in your grade studies; and another one with the achievements of your research group, your senior lecturer (your director) and again your average score and CV (publications, conferences, books, etc.). One of our doctoral students has applied recently although last year it was denied. If someone achieve this grant, it is possible to make a stay in other country with other researchers.

-FPI: This grant is a kind of funding for a research group in order to develop a project. In this case, you have to apply with the whole achievements of the research group (the "IP" leader researcher; but also other researchers), and it is so important the quality and the novelty of the project. Sometimes, this grants have a pre-doctoral grant linked (very similar to the FPU) as a part of the budget. We are applying with some buddies of veterinary as collaborators (and not as leader researchers). POBICS, with Co-DIS, has a three years FPI grant from 2015 as leader researchers.

- European Union grants: Very similar to the FPI grants, in this case is most difficult to achieve this grants, but the budget is quite better. You need some "partners" of other countries on the European Union, and so, each partner has a particular role and research to carry out (i.e. compare results between countries, gather any particular kind of datas, etc.).

-Private grants: There are several calls, like "Fundación La Caixa", that works as a private FPU, with more funding; BBVA grants, addressed to research groups in a very concrete areas of knowledge (arts and humanities, biomedicine, economics...).

Photo Credit: Money on a bed of cash