New paper in process: Ebola and images
After our last paper delivery last december, we have start another project in order to write a new paper, titled: "Ebola, experts and population. A graphic study about the Spanish case". Although it is still a draft paper, we want to share with you some abstract ideas in order to discuss them:
"Two years ago, ebola outbreak appeared as a real threat to Europe due to its closeness to Africa (and particularly in Spain with the nurse-infection controversy), the place where ebola is endemic. In that moment, it emerged several information (news on TV, newspapers, Internet, European Governments…) with a common and “invisible” element: images surrounding this virus. In this paper, we aim to analyse the role that these images performed on the enactment of ebola pandemics. We set out these images are a new kind of scenario in which the biological and legal expertise are undifferentiated, but with which lay people is affected. In order to unfold our arguments, we will show some samples about our study case, based on a) focus groups with lay-people, and b) images gathered and analysed from diverse ebola-related material."
As always, when the paper is finished, we will upload to, so you will check it deeply. Until then, we want your discussions about this first ideas!
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