In the
last post
I wrote talking about maps and how them works in relation with biosecurity, I
pointed out one concept that I want to explain better today. This is global
assemblage is a concept highlighted by Collier and Ong and that is applied to
several currently problems from an anthropological view. Thus, in the book
titled Global Assemblages: Technology,
Politics and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, mentioned authors and
others (for instance, Paul Rabinow) talk about this conception in bioscience,
right, ethics or populations.
what is a Global Assemblage? In Collier and Ong words:

we are not work exactly this concept, we are using some approximations that
follows the same sense of one key feature of global assemblages, that is, the
quality to de-territorialize and re-territorialize. For us, a Global Assemblage
would be a kind of operator or dispositif (In the Foucaultian sense)
constituted by some techno-scientific elements that can deploy their webs in a
variety of social scales (within a seamless as techno-scientific-social works
in the Actor Network-Theory): macro
(European Union,-level, World-Health Organization-level); mezzo (States-level) and micro
(citizenship-level). Thus, one of this techno-scientific element is the realm
of biosecurity
we are paying attention is in this question: how the techno-scientific network
of biosecurity is being articulated in those different scales? All kind of
answer will be welcomed because we do not have response yet. Nonetheless, one
way of research would be understand the macro
and mezzo scales because of the
practices carried out at the micro
level. Some apps for smartphone like HealthMap
are able to see all diseases around the world in the current moment and
further, registry any new if we are alerted for it. After that, the mezzo and consequently the macro level would be activated in order
to check these alarms out and carry out actions in order to cut them off or
prevent a major outbreak or pandemics (inside the preparedness logic).
possibility in order to apply the global assemblages concept to biosecurity
would be to try understand how them are linked with a global vision of the
world given by disease’ maps that are more and more frequents accompanying
research’ texts about one new outbreak. In fact, when we look to these maps, we
are observing not only global-scale events, but also the folding of little
practices that biosecurity as a global-assemblage is constantly
re-territorializing in local territories; adapting and keeping their global
form each time.
A. y Collier, S. (2005). Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics and
Ethics as Anthropological Problems. Oxford: Blackwell.
Credit: Flickr, user NASA Goddar Space Flight Center
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