The post I want to publish today is about a
new condition we are researching in relation with biosecurity and the politic
management, surveillance and power.

However, what is cinepolitics exactly? As
Tirado (2010) says, consists in a highlight
into the Foucault notion of movement within biopolitics. In this sense,
Foucault assumes that movement is one variable that is added to either vital
and biologics that shape biopolitics. Nonetheless, in cinepolitics the key
concept is this movement, located at the same level of biology where control
and management is carried out by the exchange and motility.
Thus, control and management is exercised throughout
the movement of data (in a Nikolas Rose interpretation), information (maybe
XXXX) or bioactants in this case. For instance, a virus that is
transported by a flock of sheep or bacteria that comes from a tropical country
to Europe through an air travel. The result is typically shown in maps where
fluxes are enacted with arrows or lines. Because of this, bodies are no longer
the key concept of management: there is a shift where bodies become solely a
further element, that is to say, one bioactant more in the set of bioactants
put on stage. Now, we can say that one essential feature of bioactant is the
need of movement.
In this realm of cinepolitics, bodies are
transformed: we are in front of open
bodies, bodies that lookout better
than look in, and waiting for connections
with other bioactants. The most important issue then, is not what is connected
but how is the connection:
a a) The connection folds space and
time: bioactants perform as acceleration operators.
b)The body is no longer
self-contained: body is one element that flows and is monitored due to its open
nature. Body is constituted by a set of
little bodies (human-virus-bacteria-animals) that is a potential risk from
others bioactants (flocks, population… but also economy, public infrastructure…).
Foucault, M. (2003). Society must be Defended. New York: Picador.
Foucault, M. (2008). The Birth of Biopolitics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Tirado, Francisco.
Baleriola, Enrique. Amaral Giordani, M. Do. A. Giordani, Tiago. Torrejón,
Pedro. (2014). Subjetividad y subjetivadores en las tecnologías de bioseguridad
en la Unión Europea. Polis e Psique,
3(4), 23-50.
Tirado, F. (2010).
Cinepolítica y cinevalor: la gran transformación de la biopolítica. In Ignacio
Mendiola (ed.) Rastros y rostros de la biopolítica. Barcelona: Anthropos.
PhotoCredit: Flickr, user Alexander Babashov
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