In the last post I was talking about
the congress where our crew are going to present two communications. I want to
remember the Congress is titled Affection, Body and Politics and you
can still register in order to assist as a hearer. In that post, I named one of
the communications we are going to carry out, particularly the one I am the
speaker related with a new conception of body different to the Foucaultian’
conception and intimately linked with the new outbreaks and pandemics.

The current post is going to be about the
second one communication we are going to release, this one will be presented by
my mate and friend, Marco Maureira and, although the research
line is the same as the last one, Marco will resume Focault to point out some
ideas about body, bios, and technology.
In fact, this communication is called “We Always were Cyborg, re-thinking
life/re-thinking corporeality”. I cannot facilitate slides as the last time
I have done, but I want to try give some main ideas of this work:
Beginning with some quick and brief
concepts of our most remotely anthropology, we want to problematize the idea
that Cyborg, as we understand it in the daily life, is a mistaken conception.
This is because the cyborg-body doesn’t begin at the middle of XX Century, when
humankind invented computers, DNAs intervention, bionics, etc. but we always
were cyborg is to say that techné, as
Agamben or Haraway explains, was always with us, defining how and who we are.
Then, we will offer some points that
support this theory, basing on anthropological studies and the Heiddegerian
theories, understanding language as one of this technés that have allowed people along History to begin (in the
Deleuzian sense) all of that we are currently.
Do we are truly evolving? and, in this
case, there is some historical and taken-for-granted conceptions we have to
change about it?
Photo Credit: Flickr, user Charis Tsevis
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