my last post I was talking about some
references (Collier, 2008; Lakoff, 2009. Samimian-Darash, 2009. Anderson, 2010)
pointing out if regardless of whether the next
step was a new Cold War or a biological strategy, the most interesting
issue (for me) was the consequences of it in terms of preparedness. Nevertheless, what exactly preparedness means when we
talk about the biotic plan or otherwise, a new Cold War?
fact, preparedness is a new logic of preparation or readiness in order to
manage a new kind of risk with which states have to struggle since new
technologies, bio-terrorism or big catastrophes as Katrina appeared.

states moved from a precaution logic
to a preparedness logic, in which the
most important is to be ready in order to cope with this next emergency,
whatever their nature may be and whenever it can occur. Three are the main
As I already said, boundaries between states or territories
are erased or blurred. If the risk can arrive by any way and at any time, is
necessary to adopt a global-scale in order to be prepared. Here are a key role
of WHO, WTO, FAO, CDC, ECDC… institutions that are linked with states, other
local establishments, hospitals, laboratories, universities...
This initial global-scale, needs to be assembled with local
associations in different scales until enrol lay people in their daily lives.
Finally, with preparedness states are struggling with the future
directly, from present, so, in some way, the virtual-future are becoming (in the
Deleleuzian sense) present. We can even say that the present are being wrote
from the future, and not the opposite.
Anderson, B. (2010). Preemption, precaution,
preparedness: Anticipatory action and future geographies. Progress in Human
Geography, 34(6), 777-798
Collier, S.J. (2008). Enacting Catastrophe:
preparedness, insurance, budgetary rationalization. Economy and society, 37(2), 225-250.
Fischhoff, B. Kadvany, J. (2011). Risk: a very short
introduction. New York: Oxford.
Lakoff, A. (2009). Swine Flu and the Preparedness
Apparatus. Keele University. Newcastle.
Samimian-Darash, L. (2009). A pre-event configuration
for biological threats: preparedness and the constitution of biosecurity
events.American Ethnologist, 36(3), 478-491.
Photo Credit: Flickr, user: Nuclear Regulatoy Comission (
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