martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Summer is coming! POBICS is reviewing papers and projects

This week, in POBICS, we have started reviewing papers from our staff: masters students, PhD students and colleagues. In this case, we have reviewed the master dissertation by Sebastian, our Chilean mate. 

Sebastian is trained in veterinary medicine, but he is currently ending the Psychosocial Research Master in our university. His work is about the bond between humans and animals. He is about to end, so today we have given him some feedback. 

Next week we will review another paper by Swen, our postdoc member. His work is about fear and emotions, so we are expecting read it and comment. Details about this season are in our webpage: Remember our seminary is open and you are invited freely!

Next month we have the same planning until Tuesday, 13th. The final two weeks will be scheduled soon. It is possible we will choose one reading a one review, probably the doctoral dissertation by Enrique, one of our future doctors!

Photo Credit:  Michał Kosmulski

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