martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

May is here! News and POBICS events

After some odd days (festive days, work and paper meetings), today we have held the first May meeting. We have re-scheduled our calendar, so events have been updated (you can see them in our webpage). Last weeks we have focused on theoretical readings (Guattari, Deleuze...), so now, we want to focus on empirical work, or at least, in the work our students are developing. 

Because of this, this month we will have only a reading: the book "Trust" by Niklas Luhmann (next tuesday at 12.00 on Social Psychology department, UAB). 

The rest of weeks we will review, comment and discuss some of the works in progress by Mariana and Sebastián, two of our POBICS staff. 

Takind advantage of what we are commenting, we want to offer a brief notes about what we will discuss and comment next weeks. Remember that assitance is free to our seminaries:

  • We will be deepen about the Scenario's conception. We are using and commenting some theories like those proposed by Rancière or Deleuze. 
  • We will talk about actants and alternative actors. This is one of the most interesing ideas we exposed in the 4S/EASST Congress last summer.
  • We will take up the role of animals in a biopolitical and biorisk conception. Sebastian will teach us the draft of his master's final dissertation!
  • Finally, if we have time, we will discuss the (probable) next PhD thesis in our group: Bioactants and biopolitics in the biosurveillance logis in the European Union, by Enrique.
So this is our planning, but if we have some cancelling or re-schedule, we will inform you in our webpage. 

Photo Credit: Nomad YC

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