"Whatever-thing" based on evidence: endorsed by using indicators / Approved and supposedly valid, best, obeying certain interests like being economically profitable, etc. In Chile: government based on the evidence (and other countries such as USA).
Government of oneself and neoliberalism in Foucault: Where it fits into the State / Government of Chile currently form ???? We understand and we govern ourselves through and from these indicators given by the government based on the evidence (in this case, about the realm of health), looking for those results of these indicators.
Multiple government: A thing is a product of joining interests. Refers to a assamblage of several processes that make it possible. The human elements are the result of measurement, and the indicators creation. The government is based on objects that affect not only the citizens, but to the very people who create these processes (experts, politicians.
Indicators as creators of realities (eg. The homoparental family emerges on the public policy when the census added a question about same-sex couples with children).
Power as prehension (Whitehead): Displacement of the social to the community as a place where power is produced by, for example, empowerment (people become active in their own government people, relationship of loyalty and responsibility towards the close ones with whom one's destiny is associated).
Attention focused on poverty. Policies are developed for certain people, for the government of certain people. People who triumphed govern themselves and they do not need to be governed by another. So you just have to govern the poor through community empowerment through intervention as of government. Power as an accepted and normalized is sought and pretended, but not imposed. Everyday practices are captured by own people in the comunity, from a symmetrical plane.
Therefore, a spread between empowerment and healthcarism occurs, the technical elements mediate and translate the identity of the actors.
Prehension relations: Reality becomes from the assciation of current entities that prehen and are prehended by others. Undifferentiated materiality. Each prehension has 3 elements: 1) Prehended subject (person, thing that can produce effect), concrete element prehended, captured. 2) the Datum is prehended, perspective of the initial datum, the feel of the datum. 3) Subjectively, how the subject prehends the datum, the effect prehensión
The power in the case explained by Jorge would be understood as a way of prehension. rather than coercion or imposition. Power arises as a result of progressive composition of relations and possibilities. Power emerges as a result of heterogeneous associations.
Photo Credit: Guian Bolisay
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