Enactment concept: it is difficult to translate into Spanish (our daily-use language). It is frecuently translated to act, but it is not exactly. In the legal field it is to enact, but it is translated as to constitute.

In the STS is a profound undermining of the taken for granted, "there is nothing qualitatively special on the scientifical practices who give them a real plus to the truth they offer".
(socio)Constructionism vs STS: the ontological turn in STS is not perspectivist. Constructionism silent on ontology, because there are different constructions; Instead, STS accept that there are multiple, changing and poor realities, but STS says that objects are created in practices, and these practices are worth reality, they are real. In the STS, the context idea is rejected: there is only the context in action: according as we speak, we create our context, and may be even materials around the object we're talking may not be part of our context and probably things that are very distant would be part of this temporal-and-poor context. Thus, there are practices and no contexts: as we speak, we connect with other elements, and in this way, we are going opening and contracting the network.
When can we consider that the actor-network has reality or is "closed" our particular actant? by the "Cutting the network" concept. When the process we're working is over due to their idiosyncrasical features. It can be anytime, unexpectedly and it can remain precarious.
Ontology, which is apparently a theoretical and a dense concept, STS make it an empirical concept.
Agency, translation and enactment are three different concepts.
Photo Credit: France Bleu
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