On July 7 we attended the first international conference held by AIBR anthropology: "Human beings: cultures, origins and destiny." The congress was held in the Autonomous University of Madrid, in the town of Cantoblanco and there we could listen different professionals from several fields, in addition to anthropology.
Our group presented two papers: "How can we imagine the scenarios ?, Ebola epidemics." And "Biosafety and speed. Acceleration operators on the Ebola epidemics", both of them were well received by the audience .
In them, we try to reflect the work done during this year of research and also present our group.

The Congress attracted more than 800 people from different countries and more than 100 thematic panels. To POBICS it was a real pleasure to share place with different themes and research covering the social fabric and thus learn a lot thanks to the different views we could take both in the panels and in the debates or the contributions that members of Congress hade made about our presentations.
In this vein, we can highlight some of the tables in which we participate by our thematic affinity: Relevance of traditional medicine and cultural health care, Casada Patricia G. Garcia; Bankruptcy and paradoxes of medical-preventive speech in blood storage umbilical cord, P. Santoro; or the Participation in the definition of future health care of A. Toledo, for instance.
The experience was pleasant and the conference included an excellent organization and logistical assistance, carried out by AIBR during these days. they did not miss any detail, in addition to the friendliness of the volunteers, participants of Congress and the association itself. Furthermore, we enjoyed a welcome cocktail from a busy route through the capital. The finale took him to party in the landmark botanical garden at the Complutense University of Madrid.
This Congress has allowed to us to observe the displayed map of the rich plurality of human beings and of the various research groups working in other parts of the peninsula or abroad, entering a little more in the forms of "doing" and their respective points of view.
From POBICS, we want to thank to AIBR for the organization and for the opportunity given to us to be able to expose our work even without not being part of the anthropology strictly.

We want to each of the speakers in the round of questions and their suggestions. We finished the course with the latter activity and a very good taste. We hope the next Congress eagerly look forward to presenting our new jobs.
Until then, networks will help us to close the gap, to share our respective knowledge and keep in touch.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
citizens can change the world.
Indeed, those are the only thing that ever has.
-M. Mead.-
Photo Credit: Pedro, the member of our staff that came to the Congress.
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